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Kids Ski Size Chart and Sizing Guide

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Each year, ski parents everywhere wonder how to set their kids up for success on the mountain. Should they rent skis for another season? Should they spring for a cheap pair of hand-me-downs? Or is it time to invest in big-kids gear?

We don't claim to know everything about parenting. But we do know about skis. Parents: here's your cheat sheet.

Kids' Ski Size Chart

Height (inches)Weight (pounds)Ski Length Beginner (cm)Ski Length Experienced (cm)
3734 7080

We generally recommend sizing up when...
- your child likes to ski fast
- is having trouble keeping up with other little rippers
- your child weighs above average for their height
We recommend sizing down when...
- your child is cautious, or new to skiing
- they weigh lighter than average for their height
- if your child likes to take quick fast turns, rather than skiing fast and straight

kids ski size

How to Choose Kids Skis

Step 1: Identify your child's ability level and likelihood that they will advance.

Is your child a true beginner, or an advancing intermediate? Are on the cusp of dominating blues and moving on to black diamonds? Does your child seem like they will be a beginner for a while? Keep in mind that a shorter ski will feel easier at first for a beginner, but a longer ski will be more stable once he starts carrying more speed down the hill.

Step 2: Consider the height and weight of your child and how likely those numbers will grow (and how quickly).

Typically, lighter skiers prefer shorter skis. If your child is sprouting up, however, it might be a good idea to buy a longer ski than they need right now. We don't recommend going more than 10cm longer than suggested length at their current height. Don't forget about bindings: if they are already at the top of the bindings' DIN range, you may want to upgrade to bigger binding. (Read more about how to choose ski bindings here).

Step 3: Identify what style of ski your child wants or needs.

If your kid is a little shredder in the park and pipe, twin tips are a must. If your child is getting into racing, having a flat tail is going to help them develop the fundamentals. Your child might really want twin tips, but they may be better off with all-mountain skis that has a lifted tail but not necessarily the kind of tail you'll find on a park ski. This will help them dial fundamentals.

Step 4: Think about your child's color and graphic preference.

We've said it once and we'll say it again: look good, ski good. Some kids won't ski on a ski that they don't like the look of. We can't blame them. If you have a "selective" child, keep their preferences in mind. Believe us, it will save you from frustration in the future. Kids' skis are essentially unisex, so don't worry about the ski's designated gender.

Step 5: How often do you want to buy skis for your child?

To save some cash, you might want to buy skis your kids can grow into. But if your child is competing in racing or freestyle skiing, it is probably wise to pick the size they fit in now. Save some money by shopping our selection of used demos.

If there's one thing we love to do, it's recommend skis! So, please feel free to give us a call at 720-674-5443 and we can help you find the perfect skis for your little one.

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