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2015 Line Supernatural 108: On Snow Review




Last week, we posted on the entire lineup of 2015 Line skis. (2015 Line Skis Preview) While the new graphic designs and new models look great in the showroom, they speak volumes on the slopes. I was fortunate enough to take the 186cm Supernatural 108 out for a test drive at Copper Mountain. The dimensions on the 186cm are: 137-108-126 with a 24.4m turning radius.

While we will certainly miss the Prophet lineup this year, the Supernatural series is an excellent replacement with some groundbreaking new features and technology. The first and most apparent attribute I noticed about this ski is the new “shockwall” technology, an elastomer-like layer built into the sidewall. Coming down off of small drops and rollers, it feels like the ski has suspension similar to that of a mountain bike. It gave new meaning to the term “stomping” landings.

At 108mm underfoot, the ski loved fast, wide turns and could handle all the crud I threw at it. It didn’t seem too stiff and certainly was not too soft. If you like fast and sharp turns, the Supernatural was able to accommodate that style fairly well, especially for a ski that wide. While it took a little bit more speed to tie in slalom type turns, than a narrower ski, I was surprised by it’s agility and liveliness. This sensation carried over into the tracked out trees where tight turns can be a matter of life and death (well, at least injury). The stiffness of the ski was counterbalanced by predictive control and a snappy tail. While I tried to manipulate the skis in every way possible, the Supernaturals told me what they wanted to do: demolish every snow condition at high speeds. This is where the ski showed its’ true nature. From one side of the trail to the other, on the steepest part of the run, the Supernatural absolutely ripped long, fast GS turns. The accuracy and stability was astonishing. I can only imagine what this ski can do in powder. If you are looking for a smooth and fast, one ski quiver, this may be the choice for you.  I can’t wait to try the Supernatural out in some of the deep stuff.


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5 thoughts on “2015 Line Supernatural 108: On Snow Review
  1. What are your specs if you dont mind me asking lol… i.e. height/weight… I’ve heard that these ski very well for someone in the 160/165lb range (me), and feel a lot softer once over 180lbs or so

  2. I am 6’1″ and weight about 165-170lbs. They seemed to be perfect for my weight.

  3. Hi,
    Every single comment on these skis is excellent (as much as mine), BUT I can’t find any review talking about them in deep powder !!!
    And its wildness talks itself about powder.
    It should be great, but ????

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