Latest The Ski Life

Why You Should Go Skiing on Christmas Day

Picture this: While most people are nestled in their cozy pajamas, surrounded by a sea of wrapping paper and the sweet aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls, there’s a wild breed of winter enthusiasts doing something entirely different. You might wonder, “Who in their right mind would swap Santa’s cookies for ski boots on the most festive morning of the year?” Let me explain why skiing on Christmas Day—a tradition that’s part practical ingenuity, part pursuit of filling our cups—is 100% holiday joy.

Santa hats not included. | Photo: Casey Day

The Practical

Any skier and rider knows the importance of efficiency on the hill. Maximizing ride time versus waiting around time is of uptmost importance in getting as many laps in as possible. We go through enormous hoops to try and dodge crowds, doing advanced algebra to determine the most ideal time to arrive in order to get a good parking spot and get to the right spot on the mountain to avoid crowds. But, on Christmas Day, the ski hill is shockingly quiet. It’s a magical day where the normal traffic is occupied elsewhere. It feels like a freebie.

Did someone say White Chirstmas? A holiday trip to Wolf Creek last year, with open bowls.

How often do we get the luxury of wide open slopes and short lift lines in the middle of December? Not to mention, the snow conditions stay better for longer thoughout the day. If you happen to catch some soft snow (which it looks like we might just in Colorado!), you’ll have it all to yourself. Nothing feels better than skiing some soft snow on the designated winter holiday of the year.

Another, very practical, logical reason to go skiing on Christmas Day is getting some movement. Christmas Day is normally a day of indulging in some—shall we say—heavier foods. Getting a little excercise the morning before a heavy dinner and countless cookies can help you not feel completely sluggish, or gross the next day. Or, just eat more. Both work.

The Warm Fuzzy Feelings

Never miss a chance to get a little silly with the ones you love.

Alright, enough of the logic. Beyond all the practical reasons that make Christmas Day an ideal day for skiers looking for a high quality ride day, skiing on Christmas feels a little…special.

A day out on snow on a holiday feels like a good old fashioned snow day. Like the ones we used to get in school. Everything can go on pause. There’s no need to worry about work, school, our obligations. Holidays are a rare blip in our lives where we can just sort of shut off. It’s federally and socially sanctioned for us to take a break from the grind. Something that we so often need, but don’t quite get enough of.

Going skiing on a day like that is just the cherry on top. Getting the chance to move your body, laugh with friends, go a little fast, and play in the snow lets that inner child come out to stretch their legs. It’s a thing that most of us don’t get in touch with in our day to day.

So treat yourself! Let yourself play this year. Get a little loose, and play unencumbered by responsibilities or emails and texts you haven’t gotten back to in a few days. It’s Christmas, after all!


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